Invest Canada-Community Initiatives (ICCI) – Funding Program

Invest Canada-Community Initiatives (ICCI), part of the Global Commerce Support Program established in 2008, is designed to help Canadian communities attract, retain and expand Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). ICCI supports not-for-profit and public-private partnerships at the local community level.

The program follows three basic principles: Focusing on supporting the attraction, retention and expansion of Foreign Direct Investment, Work through partnerships, and Sharing costs.

Eligible activities supported by ICCI include: investment training for economic staff, conducting Business Retention & Expansion projects, and identifying strengths and local assets.

ICCI will be open to accept applications in early September 2013 and closing late October 2013 for 2014 projects. ICCI will support 50% of eligible expenses in the form of non-repayable contributions ranging from $3,000 to $300,000 for one year (Jan 1-Dec 31).

Please review Onager’s one page summary of the program or contact us for more information.
ICCI – One Pager